To fill the void left by Hill's Sabbath absences, the producers used Landau for more episodes, always as a "guest star". His contract gave producers an option to have him "render services for (three or four) additional episodes". Landau was cast as a guest star in the pilot episode with the understanding that he would be one of four or five rotating guest-star agents. The season-five (1970–1971) cast (left to right): Leonard Nimoy, Greg Morris, Lesley Ann Warren, Peter Lupus, and Peter Graves
Phelps remained the team's leader for the remainder of the original series and in the 1988–1990 revival. In the second season, Hill was replaced without explanation by Peter Graves, playing the role of Jim Phelps. Steven Hill may have felt exactly the same way." But if he doesn't care about your problems, then you begin to really resent him. White, "'If someone understands your problems and says he understands them, you feel better about it. As far as Hill's religious requirements were concerned, line producer Joseph Gantman simply had not understood what had been agreed to. Briggs' presence in the five remaining episodes was kept to a minimum. Unable to come to terms with Hill, the producers reshot the episode without him another character, Cinnamon Carter, listened to the taped message, the selected operatives' photos were displayed in "limbo", and the team meeting was held in a different apartment.

After cooperatively crawling through dirt tunnels and repeatedly climbing a rope ladder in the episode "Snowball in Hell", in the following episode ("Action!") he balked at climbing to the rafters via a 20-foot soundstage staircase and locked himself in his dressing room. Although his contract allowed for filming interruptions due to religious observances, the clause proved difficult to work around due to the production schedule, and as the season progressed, Briggs appeared less and less. As an Orthodox Jew, Hill had to leave on Fridays at 4 pm to be home before sundown and was not available until after dark the next day. The leader of the IMF was initially Dan Briggs, played by Steven Hill. Steven Hill, as Dan Briggs, and Martin Landau, as the target that agent Rollin Hand will impersonate, in the premiere episode

This is implied by the fact that, for several years, towards the end of the taped briefing messages, the narrator includes the passage:- "As always, should you or any of your IM force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions", or words to that effect. The IMF is suggested to be an independent agency of the United States government. Only rare cryptic bits of information are ever provided, such as in the third-season mission "Nicole", where the IMF leader states that his instructions come from "Division Seven". The identity of the organization that oversees the IMF is never revealed. On occasion, the IMF also mounts unsanctioned, private missions on behalf of its members. The Impossible Missions Force (IMF) is a small team of secret agents used for covert missions against hostile Iron Curtain governments, third world dictators, evil organizations, corrupt industrialists, dishonorable con men and women, and crime lords, among others. ( December 2011) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. It also inspired a series of theatrical motion pictures starring Tom Cruise beginning in 1996.

It was revived in 1988 for two seasons on ABC, retaining only Graves in the cast. The series was financed and filmed by Desilu Productions and aired on CBS from September 1966 to March 1973. The opening scene almost invariably showed Briggs or Phelps receiving his instructions from a voice on a recording, which then self-destructs.

Each episode opened with a fast-paced montage of clips from that episode as the series' theme music, composed by Lalo Schifrin, played. In the first season, the team is led by Dan Briggs (played by Steven Hill) Jim Phelps (played by Peter Graves) takes charge for the remaining seasons. Mission: Impossible is an American television series created and initially produced by Bruce Geller, chronicling the exploits of a small team of secret government agents known as the Impossible Missions Force, used for covert missions against hostile Iron Curtain governments, third world dictators, evil organizations, and, later, crime lords.